
Name of the Client: Department of Urban Development & Engineering Services, MOWHS, RGOB

Name: Design, Monitoring & Supervision Consultant (Contract No. ADB-2816)
Name of the Client: Department of Urban Development & Engineering Services, MOWHS, RGOB

Project Description: The primary objective of engaging is to assist the Royal Government of Bhutan in Planning and Designing of water supply, waste water and sanitation infrastructure in SJM. The proposed infrastructures will be subjected to technical, economic and financial evaluations, and, environmental and social safeguards due diligence. The designs will include plans to avoid and/or mitigate environmental and social impacts in accordance to the Gross National Happiness (GNH) strategies. The designs will also ensure that the infrastructures will be in climate change responsive. The main basis for the detailed planning, designing and implementation of the essential urban infrastructures in SJM will be its Structural Plan and Local Area Plans.

Scope of work:
(i) Preliminary tasks
a) Collection and review of available plans, reports, drawings, data, etc.
b) Field assessment of the project site, consultation with the relevant project officials and other stakeholders.
c) Identify data gaps and then identify further survey and investigation requirements
d) Review and scope the project component/packages
e) Review land requirement and acquisition issues
f) Carry out environmental and social safeguards due diligence appropriate to the proposed project.

(ii) Surveys, Investigations and considerations
(a) Water Supply Scheme
-Review the currently existing as well as newly identified water source and intake sites ,and undertake any further necessary investigation works for any alternative sources
-Study raw water characteristics, treatment requirements, prevailing standards
-Review existing water treatment processes, use of chemicals and energy
-Review quality of treated water, efficiency of O&M, environmental issues and problems
-Review existing and proposed pipe materials for transmission mains and distribution network, age, characteristics, standards of accessories , O&M activities
-Study the topography of the project area vis-a-vis pressure zones, hydraulic zones
-Study the prevailing as well as future procedure and associated measuring devices and metering systems for billing and rate collection

(b) Sewerage System
-Study sewer zones vis-à-vis topography of the project area
-Study suitability of sewer pipe materials, age, characteristics and capacities
-Study existing manhole characteristics, material of construction and other ancillary structures
-Study existing and proposed mode of house connections
-Review O&M activities for sewer networks and manholes
-Study sanitation condition in semi-urban/fringe areas and community toilet facilities, laboratory facility
-Review any siltation/blockage problem and events of sewer flooding
-Review/study outfall locations, water quality at outfall locations, standards for discharge of treated effluent, environmental impacts

(c) Site and Alignment Surveys
-Site and alignment surveys shall be done only by Total Station. All sites for various proposed utilities should be duly fixed by three-point-referencing method. All major existing features on the site should be captured including underground utilities if any.

This assignment include:
(i) Preliminary tasks
g) Collection and review of available plans, reports, drawings, data, etc.
h) Field assessment of the project site, consultation with the relevant project officials and other stakeholders.
i) Identify data gaps and then identify further survey and investigation requirements
j) Review and scope the project component/packages
k) Review land requirement and acquisition issues
l) Carry out environmental and social safeguards due diligence appropriate to the proposed project.

(ii) Surveys, Investigations and considerations

(d) Water Supply Scheme
-Review the currently existing as well as newly identified water source and intake sites ,and undertake any further necessary investigation works for any alternative sources
-Study raw water characteristics, treatment requirements, prevailing standards
-Review existing water treatment processes, use of chemicals and energy
-Review quality of treated water, efficiency of O&M, environmental issues and problems
-Review existing and proposed pipe materials for transmission mains and distribution network, age, characteristics, standards of accessories , O&M activities
-Study the topography of the project area vis-a-vis pressure zones, hydraulic zones
-Study the prevailing as well as future procedure and associated measuring devices and metering systems for billing and rate collection

(e) Sewerage System
-Study sewer zones vis-à-vis topography of the project area
-Study suitability of sewer pipe materials, age, characteristics and capacities
-Study existing manhole characteristics, material of construction and other ancillary structures
-Study existing and proposed mode of house connections
-Review O&M activities for sewer networks and manholes
-Study sanitation condition in semi-urban/fringe areas and community toilet facilities, laboratory facility
-Review any siltation/blockage problem and events of sewer flooding
-Review/study outfall locations, water quality at outfall locations, standards for discharge of treated effluent, environmental impacts

(f) Site and Alignment Surveys
-Site and alignment surveys shall be done only by Total Station. All sites for various proposed utilities should be duly fixed by three-point-referencing method. All major existing features on the site should be captured including underground utilities if any.
-Whole set up alignment and level surveys with various details should be undertaken for the purpose of carrying out detailed engineering designs of different sub-projects and for laying of water mains, sewers etc. Temporary Bench Marks (TBMs) should be fixed at various corners of the project area transferring level from the established and authorized GTS bench mark. Necessary geo-technical investigations should be carried out along the pipelines at the water
-treatment plant site, pumping stations, reservoir sites , proposed waste water treatment plant site, etc. to identify the subsoil conditions and water table and also to determine the bearing capacity of the foundation soil
-Carry out investigations for construction materials, different borrow areas and materials to establish their suitability. Water source study- Review the currently identified water source and intake point meant particularly to supply water to both Deothang and SJM towns, and recommend any additional water to hydrological/ hydro geological investigations required to provide a more sustainable and cost effective water source.