
Name of the Client: Asian Development Bank

Name: Improved Urban Environmental Infrastructure Project ( TA- 8551-BHU)
Name of the Client: Asian Development Bank

Project Description: The proposed project supports the government’s vision of a balanced and environmentally sustainable urban development. In keeping with the thrust of balanced regional growth and Environmental sustainable development, the project offers an opportunity to improve the approach to human settlement and urban development in Bhutan. The proposed project will engage mixed-development approaches that integrate the natural terrain and resources in urban planning, design and construction. Approaches that will be employed on the project include; (i) valley planning, that integrates planning and development of an urban center and its hinterland and supports shared use of resources and infrastructure services, and (ii) integrated urban water management (IUWM) principles and water sensitive urban design (WSUD) for integrated planning, design and construction of urban infrastructure around the water cycle of urban catchment/watershed to sustainably manage the water environment.

Scope of work:
•An International Urban Infrastructure Engineer and Team Leader with an experience of 10 years in designing, constructing and operating, preferably small-scaled, water supply and sanitation, drainage and urban roads project in developing countries. The Team Leader will possess a Master’s or equivalent in civil engineering will manage and coordinate the PPTA team and inputs from all team members. Oversee the preparation and delivery of all outputs under this TA, ensuring high quality of all components. Identify infrastructure needs, leading the preparation of the sector development plan, and project scoping and technical feasibility. Undertake system rapid modeling with suitable computer-based design tools, if and where necessary and assist in advance contracting actions of preparing TOR and RFP for PDA consultants and assist the government in the recruitment of PDA consultants.

•A National Water Engineer and Deputy Team Leader will provide technical inputs in analyzing infrastructure plans for water, sanitation and storm water/flood management to assist in identifying subproject towns and determining project scope in accordance to principles of IUWM and/or valley planning. Will supervise collection/commissioning of technical surveys (e.g water quality yields etc) and review quality and consistency of results, if and where necessary. Screen all technical options, using appropriate IT-based packages where necessary (e.g CAD), model networks, treatment units and/or systems and analyze results and prepare the relevant technical specifications for PDA consultants and assist the team leader in sector development plan preparation.

•A Social Development and Poverty Specialist will review national and State poverty reduction agendas, poverty per capital data, and access to basic services by the poor, employment literacy data. In coordination with economic and financial, technical and safeguards specialists, prepare a detailed poverty and social analysis for project areas and conduct a full socioeconomic survey of project beneficiaries by gender and income group. Conduct social and gender analysis of the 9 target towns to identify the social and gender issues therein, that the project can address. This will include specifically collecting: basic demographic data that sex-disaggregated, both at the household and community levels, number of households disaggregated by size headship poverty level, house income and expenses, access to basic municipal services such as water, sanitation and transportation, ability to pay for services, gender division of roles at both the household and community levels and extent of women’s participation in community decision-making. Prepare a gender action plan based on the above analysis that is directly related to the project and assist with the consultative process during project preparation.

•A Procurement specialist will conduct the services in advance contract actions of recruiting the Project Design Advance (PDS) consultants for the ensuing project, prepare bidding documents for recruitment of PDA consultants using ADB Consulting and Procurement Guidelines; specially supervise and lead the preparation of the following documents in collaboration with the Team Leader:
a) Terms of Reference (TOR) at the Expression of Interest (EOI) stage
b) Documentation at Request for proposal (RfP) stage

Supervise and spearhead bid process management together with the Team Leader and Deputy Team. Assist the government of contract preparation. Draft a rapid procurement capacity assessment of the executing and/or implementing agencies that will be responsible for procurement under the project. Determine briefly the level of capacity building and training required government procurement policies, procedures, and required permits/clearances in relation to PDA and other TA outcomes.