Name: Urban Infrastructure Project, (ADB) PPTA 7630-BHU
Name of the Client: For DUDES, MoWHS under the lead partner PORY IDP Consult, INC
Project Description:
• The proposed Project follows the ongoing Urban Infrastructure Development Project (UIDP). The government requested the urgent preparation of the proposed Project to ensure sustainable urban development in its two largest cities (Phuentsholing and Thimphu) and two large towns (Samdrup Jongkhar and Nanglam). The main basis for urban infrastructure investment is the Government’s Structure Plan and Local Area Plan (LAP). These LAPs prioritize urban infrastructure requirements and provide tentative costs. The priority urban infrastructure identified by the LAPs require further technical, economic, financial, governance, poverty and social, and safeguards due diligence. Urban infrastructure should also integrate (i) consultation, participation and awareness among beneficiaries; (ii) required capacity building for operations and maintenance; and (iii) further integrated urban planning. These issues will be analyzed and solutions recommended, during the project preparation technical assistance (PPTA).
Scope of Work:
• The PPTA will require 15 person-months of international and 20 person-months of national consulting services from January to December 2011. Individual consultants (3.5 person months international and 4 person-months national) will be selected through individual consultant selection.
• A firm, selected through quality and cost based selection, will be engaged to provide a team of specialists (11 person-months international and 16 person-months national). The team will prepare the proposed project and will: (i) select priority urban infrastructure subprojects for the four project areas; (ii) prepare feasibility studies for subprojects; (iii) conduct technical/engineering, economic and financial (based on capital and O&M costs), governance, poverty and social (including gender), and safeguards (resettlement, indigenous peoples, and environment) assessments for subprojects; (iv) prepare required plans based on assessments; (v) assess technical, procurement, financial, and management capacities of the executing agencies, city corporations, and Dzhongkhags involved in the proposed project; (vi) design capacity building subprojects to address deficiencies in involved agencies; (vii) assess potential co-financing and private sector participation; and (viii) propose implementation schedule, procurement plan, detailed cost estimates and financing plan.
• The overall objective of the project is improved quality of life in Thimphu, Phuentsholing and Samdrup Jongkhar District Municipalities and Nganglam Dzongkhag through improved urban infrastructure and services. This goal is consistent with the Government’s policy of balance regional development and decentralisation.
• The specific outcome of the project is the provision of increased urban services to the residents of Thimphu, Phuentsholing, Samdrup Jongkhar District Municipalities and Nganglam Dzongkhag through increased coverage of water supply and sewerage, improved road connectivity, improved service delivery by the District Municipalities and Dzongkhag and improved planning, design and monitoring of urban services. This will help to alleviate poverty and improve community health and the urban environment. The project will assist the RGoB in achieving the Millennium Development Goals of halving the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation by 2015. The proposed outputs and activities covered by the Project are:
Output 1: Thimphu-Babesa Wastewater Treatment Plant and Water Supply Master Plan
-Activity 1.1 – Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plant
-Activity 1.2 – Preparation of Thimphu Water Supply and Drainage Master Plan
Output 2: Phuentsholing Bridge and Access Roads
-Activity 2.1 – Construction of South Bridge and Approaches
-Activity 2.2 – Investigation and Design of Second Bridge and Connecting Roads
-Activity 2.3 – Procurement of O&M equipment
-Activity 2.3 – Preparation of Safeguard Studies for Second Bridge and Access Roads
Output 3: Samdrup Jongkhar Water Supply Improvements
-Activity 3.1 – Refurbish existing water distribution system
-Activity3.2 – Conduct water source study and undertake design of water system upgrades
-Activity 3.3 – Prepare designs for wastewater and solid waste system
-Activity 3.4 – Procure O&M equipment
Output 4: Nganglam Project Preparation
-Activity 4.1 – Surveys, demarcation and land clearing
-Activity 4.2 – Investigation and design of water supply, wastewater, solid waste and road infrastructure
-Activity 4.3 – Preparation of safeguard studies
Output 5: Implementation Support
-Activity 5.1 – Project Management Consultants
-Activity 5.2 – Design, Construction Supervision and Management Consultants
Activity 5.3 –Incremental Administration Support
Output 6: Capacity Building