Name: Construction supervision of Phuentsholing to Chamkuna road underSASEC transport, trade facilitation and logistics project.
Name of Client: Ministry of Works and Human Settlement, Department of Roads
Project Description: The project comprises of the following:
Construction of 3.359km road section between Phuentsoling and Chamkuna
The road will complete the last section of the Phuentsoling, Samtse highway and provides the vital intra country linkage of Samtse Dzongkhag with the rest of the country. The road would be constructed to primary national highway standard in line with environmental friendly road construction, guidelines and practices. The proposed alignment is located along the Amo chu river and will be partly constructed on the river bed of Amochu. This project would improve rural access and connectivity contributing to economic growth and would be part of southern East west highways, providing new alternative to the diversion route via India.
The objective of the proposed Consultancy services is to assist Project Management Team, Department of Roads, Ministry of Works and Human Settlement in implementing the project as follows:
i) To conduct comprehensive supervision of project implementation activities carried out by the Contractor ensuring complete compliance with the drawings, technical specifications and various stipulations contained in the Contract Documents;
ii) To ensure high standards of quality assurance in the execution of work and completion of the works within stipulated time;
iii) To assist Project Management Team in taking remedial actions to avoid deviations, cost over runs, delays by the Contractor, etc;
iv) To ensure safety during construction and adherence to all requirements under the Environment Management Plan (EMP) prescribed under the Contract;
v) Organize the HIV and human trafficking community awareness activities;
vi) To ensure and monitor the implementation of social and relevant gender features included in the design of the project (i.e. inclusion of pedestrian and gender-friendly design features in civil works such as walkways, benches and signage and ensure that 40% of community awareness participants are women);
vii) Monitor and report on the contractors’ HIV/AIDS sensitization to its labor force, as well as compliance of core labor standards by civil works contractors;
viii) Monitor the project’s compliance with ADB Involuntary Resettlement (IR) safeguards.
Scope of work: As the Client’s representative, the Consultant’s nominated Senior Highway Engineer/Team Leader will supervise and administer the civil works contract and ensure that the works are constructed in accordance with the drawings, technical specifications and contract conditions. The Consultant will have all of those powers defined as being the Client’s representative, with the exception of the following, which will be retained and exercised by the Client:
i) issuing the order to commence the works;
ii) approving variation orders that have financial implications;
iii) approving significant variations in quantity;
iv) approval of design drawings;
v) approving subletting of any part of the works; and
vi) approving time extensions.
The Consultant’s responsibilities shall include, but not limited to the following:
i) approving the contractor’s work program, method statements, material sources, etc.;
ii) preparing and issuing reports as defined subsequently;
iii) approving and/or issuing working drawings, approving the setting out of the works, and giving instructions to the Contractor;
iv) reviewing the Quality Assurance Plans and Programs of the Contractor;
v) inspecting and testing all the materials and the works to ensure compliance with specifications and giving immediate notice to the Contractor in the event that such materials and works fail to comply with the specifications;
vi) accepting or rejecting any part or parts of the completed works;
vii) making measurements and keeping measurement records;
viii) maintaining records, correspondence, and diaries;
ix) certifying work volume and interim certificates for progress payments;
x) assisting the Project Management with the maintenance of consolidated project accounts, and with preparation of financial statements and withdrawal applications for submission to ADB;
xi) certifying completion of part or all of the works;
xii) periodically checking the remaining quantities, and undertaking constant monitoring of each contract costs;
xiii) reviewing and recommending to the Project Management variation orders, extensions of time, claims, and other matters that may come from Contractors;
xiv) negotiating with the Contractors and recommending to Project Management the rates for any unscheduled items of work that may arise;
xv) advising the Project Management on all matters relating to the execution of the works and assisting it in processing the Contractor’s possible claims;
xvi) ensuring compliance with the environmental and social safeguards requirements of civil works contracts, and providing information to ADB on those processes in the monthly progress reports;
xvii) providing on-the-job or on-site advise and training to Contractors where necessary (such as when there are changes in personnel of Contractors or when EMP is not being followed properly) to ensure proper implementation of the EMP;
xviii) conducting monitoring visits to ensure proper implementation of EMP;
xix) updating EMP based on changing field conditions and accordingly inform relevant
agencies and field staffs;
xx) Coordinating and conducting HIV/AIDS and human trafficking awareness campaigns in the communities in the project area of influence, ensuring that 40% of beneficiaries are women;
xxi) conducting on-the-job training for DoR staff on improving integration of social and gender mainstreaming features into future project design;
xxii) prepare semi-annual environmental monitoring reports on the implementation of safeguards and other social activities for review and approval by DOR and further submission to ADB for disclosure on the ADB website
xxiii) undertaking project performance management system in the format acceptable to the Client and the ADB;
xxiv) assisting in preparing a consolidated project completion report in a format provided by ADB after the completion of Contract works;
xxv) checking and certifying as-built drawings for the works prepared by the Contractors;
xxvi) providing the Client with complete records such as inception, monthly, quarterly, completion reports, etc.; and
xxvii) develop and operate a quantitative and qualitative project performance monitoring system (PPMS) in consultation with ADB and DoR to monitor and evaluate the performance of the project in relation to its goals, purposes and outputs. Baseline values should be established by the Consultant in accordance with the target indicators in the Design and Monitoring Framework of the project. The values for these indicators would be measured at necessary agreed frequency during the project. Measured values of these indicators, together with relevant comments would be included in the Quarterly Progress reports and the Project completion report.