Name: Disaster Resilience of Schools Project (ADB L3702 and G 0601/0602), Design and Supervision Consultant (DSC) for school Reconstruction and Retrofitting (Contract ID: DRSP/CLPIU/DSC) for school Reconstruction and retrofitting (Contract ID: DRSP/CLPIU/DSC-01
name of the Client: CLPIU, Nepal/ ADB
Project Description: The Earth quake of 2015 caused a lot of damage to infrastructure,ADB’s response was to finance the Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP) to support the rebuilding of schools, roads and district level government buildings, and to strengthen the country’s resilience to future disasters.
The CLPIU (Education) under the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA)needed to engage a firm of consultants (the “DSC”) to supervise schools of the Recon 1; design some schools and supervise all schools ofRecon 2; and the Retrof 1 and 2 civil works contracts, design the works and assist to prepare the bidding documents for the Recon 2, Retrof 1 and Retrof 2 contracts and undertake such other services to ensure the smooth implementation of the DRSP civil works encompassing about 300 schools (there will be some overlap of schools requiring both reconstruction and retrofitting) in the targeted 14 districts. MOE through its CLPIU and DLPIUs will be the Implementing Agency for the Project and the DSC will act as the Engineer under the DSC Contract.
Scope of work: Work closely with the CRE (Chief Resident Engineer) and the district Res (Regional Engineers). Cover the works supervision and retrofitting design in half of the districts assigned to the DSC and prepare the tasks
i. Review the contracts documents, bills of quantities, cost estimates, construction drawings, specifications, etc. and ensure all documents comprising the DSC Contract are sound.
ii. Ensure all pre-contractual obligations of the civil works contractors are complied with prior to the execution of the contracts. Check that the contractors provide (and maintain) valid securities and insurance, and meet all other contractual prerequisites before work on school buildings is commenced.
iii. Arrange pre-commencement meeting with the contractors and DLPIUs through the Resident Engineers to discuss matters related to contract commencement, delegation of authorities, communications, construction programs, contractor’s facilities, subcontract work, security, community-related matters and matters of relevance.
iv. Prepare and process variation orders, evaluate claims for additional costs and extensions of time, and otherwise administer the provisions of the civil works contracts.
v. Prepare monthly progress reports and quarterly cash flow projections for the PD in an agreed format that readily identifies variances between planned and actual cash flows and highlights budget estimates and cash flow requirements for outstanding works.
vi. Ensure that all project records are maintained in a safe environment with back up copies maintained in alternative locations.
vii. Process interim and final payment certificates and, as appropriate, certify payments.
viii. Upon satisfactory completion of a works contract, and after all contractual requirements have been met, issue completion certificates and confirm that the contractors’ “as-built drawings” are a true record of the works as constructed.
ix. Assist the contractors with the interpretation of the contract documents and advise the PD with respect to the resolution of claims, disputes, arbitration or litigation, as required.
x. Oversee the work of the Design Team, providing advice and instructions to ensure consistency in the way the retrofitting designs comply with the Project technical and social requirements.
xi. Assist the PD to prepare the Project Completion Report as required by the ADB.
In addition to this, will be responsible to supervise contract management and procurement activities of the project. They will be based in Kathmandu and frequently visit their purview districts and schools work sites. They will also develop a comprehensive monitoring and reporting plan for the project school reconstruction and retrofitting outputs.